Vicky Knoop
Special guest
Vicky Knoop is an interaction designer for traditional and emerging interfaces working on mobile, voice, XR, automotive, and wearables. She has over 10 years of experience designing user interfaces in partnership with Google, Samsung, Fitbit, Disney, Toyota and other major brands (and some small ones too). As the Immersive Design Director at Punchcut she leads a crack team of innovators designing for the next dimension of UI by building space, motion, sound, and story into every experience.
Vicky Knoop has been a guest on 1 episode.
Panel – Multisensory Design
15 September 2020 | 50 mins 18 secs
automotive, haptics, hci, hmi, spatial web, tech, technology, voice agents
This episode features the audio from a webinar called Design for Multisensory Experiences that was co-created by companies Immersion and Punchcut. Topics include 5G, voice agent design, spatial computing, haptics, automotive interfaces, and more. You can view the entire webinar here: https://punchcut.com/multisensory-experience-design-webinar/